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traxx Song Requests traxx

This is a list of all song requests of the last 24 hours.

Song requests are open during all streams, but requests outside a song requests streams are not guaranteed to be fulfilled.

During song request streams I try to fulfill all requests I have.

If I do not have a requested song, i will set its status to "Don't have it" which means I will try to listen to it soon after the stream and buy it - when i like it.

Current requests

Age Requested by Request Status
10 h, 17 m , 12 s B4de3nte Cold as ice ! ! ! Requested
10 h, 29 m , 5 s B4de3nte britney spears toxic Requested
10 h, 31 m , 24 s kuppelstrom Toxic Machinery - freshwater Requested
10 h, 42 m , 48 s kuppelstrom Kruelty - Monster Requested
11 h, 12 m , 12 s kuppelstrom Helene Fischer & Florian Silbereisen - schau mal herein Requested
11 h, 16 m , 49 s DaskrasscooleBrot Oimara - Wackelkontakt Requested
11 h, 19 m , 20 s kuppelstrom Erotic - Max, dont have Sex Requested